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Post by Fluffy » Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:25 am

TheNewGuy wrote:Please also add to TFM that right shoes go on right feet, left shoes on left feet. Thank you.
Once again amazes me at the anger of the people on this board... It take more enery to post a message of hate at them then it does to click next message.. If you are going to respond to a post.. Then ANSWER the fucking question... JESUS!

To answer the original question, and I am quite sure it HAS been answered 1000000 times before. So here you go

There are 2 types of MACRO's in this game.. One is a PLUGIN and another is a MACRO..

A PLUGIN is an actual C code, that needs to be compiled... Anything that ends in a .h .cpp .c file...

A MACRO is a scripting lanague used BY MQ2... Usually ending in .mac... .inc...

So what you have is a .mac... You need to place that in your Release\Macros directory and call it in game via /mac <macro name>
That will execute it...

Dont try to compile a .mac.. It isnt meant for that...

Hope this helps.. Unlike the other idiots...

Fluffy a man with a mission to erradicate the idiots!

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Post by Cr4zyb4rd » Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:31 am

Who cares if your answer is even correct?!? Just ANSWER teh fucking question... JESUS!

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Post by Jerle69 » Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:06 am


I'm the creator of Rogue Helper, and I can say at this point, it's one of the most popular macros ever written. I've also been one of the nicest, most responsive individuals in the community since I come from a customer service background; however, I must state that after a few months of being a part of the community, I see a trend where a VAST majority of the new members will immediately post help before doing any research at all.

Being ignorant because you're new to a topic is quite alright. Being ignorant and asking questions without reading up for yourself is LAZY (and will usually get someone flaming you, since they cannot comprehend how you didn't figure it out without even a modicum of work). And, I'm sorry to say, still being ignorant after spending many hours of reading and research here means you're probably not cut out for using a third party "tool" that runs against the EULA of a game we are all taking risks with. Look at it this way--if someone is using this tool and they don't fully understand it, the propensity for being discovered rises exponentially (lets face it, if you can't figure out a nail gun, should you REALLY be driving nails with it?). If your odds of getting caught go up, you expose another facet of this community, which most of us would like to stay around a while longer.

Having said all this, now you know why people get flammed: it is to scare them away or smarten them up, either of which will preserve the community a little longer. It's not small peepee syndrom. It's frustration and self-preservation.

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Post by peach » Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:24 am

i'm an asshole, and theres nothing you can do about it

neener neener neener

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Post by ddmsiu » Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:32 pm

Jerle69 wrote: Being ignorant and asking questions without reading up for yourself is LAZY (and will usually get someone flaming you, since they cannot comprehend how you didn't figure it out without even a modicum of work). And, I'm sorry to say, still being ignorant after spending many hours of reading and research here means you're probably not cut out for using a third party "tool" that runs against the EULA of a game we are all taking risks with.
You just contradicted yourself. Just cause I didn't understand it doesn't mean I'm lazy; which in fact I am still working on understanding it. And for the second time, you guys are assuming too little on my part. I did infact pour over the FAQ, searches, and readme's in the advpath.txt, tested everything I could think of to exhaustion, and then I came here.

It's frustration and self-preservation.
I didn't know Darwinism is required to build noobs into great models like yourself.

Peach's first post actually helped me out. I just dumped the .mac code into a mac file, and put all the subsequent .inc files in the same dir and wallah, it works. None of that noob flaming shit was needed. I got to the point where I can /echo play:path1 1 cf nopp z;path2 1 cf nopp z;path3 1 cf nopp noz. I am having two probs though. One is that as soon as I zone into zone2 to begin path2, it targets the pok book and sends me right back to pok. And the other prob is on my third path, I have to go into a building to hail a npc. It runs right into it and doesn't open it. From reading the advpath.txt I need to make a script and do a path up to the door, plug something in to target the door and open it, then make a new path from that spot to the npc. Something along the lines of
/call PlatFunction "path3 cf nopp noz"
/call WaitTilThere
(insert door code)
/call PlayFunction "path4 1 f nopp noz"
/cal WaitTilThere


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Post by fice » Sun Oct 24, 2004 1:15 pm

people with no programming experience shouldn't be allowed either, just make a sticky telling them go to and completing all tutorials before even bothering to post

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Post by Cr4zyb4rd » Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:33 pm

Meh, just tell them to read the source. C++ is self-explanitory.

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Post by Fluffy » Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:35 pm

Jerle69 wrote:Hello,

I'm the creator of Rogue Helper, and I can say at this point, it's one of the most popular macros ever written. I've also been one of the nicest, most responsive individuals in the community since I come from a customer service background; however, I must state that after a few months of being a part of the community, I see a trend where a VAST majority of the new members will immediately post help before doing any research at all.
I can understand most frustration on this. But I stand by my response.. If something pisses you off just move on.. It takes less issues to NOT deal with what someone deems and idiot then it does to post a flame
Jerle69 wrote: Being ignorant because you're new to a topic is quite alright. Being ignorant and asking questions without reading up for yourself is LAZY (and will usually get someone flaming you, since they cannot comprehend how you didn't figure it out without even a modicum of work). And, I'm sorry to say, still being ignorant after spending many hours of reading and research here means you're probably not cut out for using a third party "tool" that runs against the EULA of a game we are all taking risks with. Look at it this way--if someone is using this tool and they don't fully understand it, the propensity for being discovered rises exponentially (lets face it, if you can't figure out a nail gun, should you REALLY be driving nails with it?). If your odds of getting caught go up, you expose another facet of this community, which most of us would like to stay around a while longer.
You have a good point here.. But on the flip side of this.. Someone gets busted for "Botting" MQ2 isnt the only one out there... Shy of them announcing what program they are using then this is really moote.. Since people who are using Xylobot or something like that could be given you a bad name and there is nothing you can do about that ethier..

But I do agree with the fact that if you dont know how to use something then you should use it.. But there is also the fact that.. I dont know how the mechanics of a nail gun work but yet I still use it since I learned how the gun itself works and the safety features of it..
Jerle69 wrote:
Having said all this, now you know why people get flammed: it is to scare them away or smarten them up, either of which will preserve the community a little longer. It's not small peepee syndrom. It's frustration and self-preservation.

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Post by Jerle69 » Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:13 pm


I didn't contradict myself--you fell into the second portion of my statement that said "if you're not lazy (i.e. you DID do research) and still didn't find what you needed to know, then perhaps this tool is not for your casual employment.

It's like a non-developer complaining that some IDE is too hard to understand. Well, no kidding--that's a developer's tool.

Same thing here with MQ2, basically. Oh and for the last time, I didn't flame anyone, so don't get defensive--I'm explaining WHY people flame others around here, yourself included. If you felt the shoe fit, it's your concious speaking, not anything I wrote.

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Post by ddmsiu » Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:59 pm

This is getting better and better. Why do you all insist that people with no coding experience stay away from it? Is it just for the self-proclaimed privelaged who feel that are more enlightened than others when it comes to writing code? Laughter.... I am going to continue figuring this out regardless of all your doubts and predictions.

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Post by magictiger » Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:42 pm

Let me put it this way...
If you have no coding experience and don't understand what RTFM means, stay the fuck away. If you're willing to dig through and find stuff on your own, you've come to the right place.

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Post by Fluffy » Sun Oct 24, 2004 7:03 pm

ddmsiu wrote:This is getting better and better. Why do you all insist that people with no coding experience stay away from it? Is it just for the self-proclaimed privelaged who feel that are more enlightened than others when it comes to writing code? Laughter.... I am going to continue figuring this out regardless of all your doubts and predictions.
Ddmsiu... I will have to admit.. I find it offensive how they treat most people.. And I try to make peoples lives a little easier by answering thier questions and not flammming... But your not helping yourself here with this...

If you dont have something nice to say.. Dont say it... Ask your question and ignore the babble.. They will always be there.. But for you lashing out with statements like this almost makes me not want to help you..

So just relax and enjoy the ride.. Got a question.. Ask it.. And ignore the idiots that flame... They have small dingdings and have nothing better to do with thier day then to make themselfs feel better by attacking others..

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Post by peach » Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:49 pm

lol.. i.. totally.. agree.. fluffy..

periods.. are.. teh.. win.. and.. i.. have.. a.. small.. dinging.. and.. i.. am.. fat.. and.. have.. never.. touched.. a.. girl..

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Post by Jerle69 » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:16 am

Fundamentally, Macroquest provides an engine for users to create scripts (and use other scripts) to automate some features they feel are mundane game play within EQ.

Scripting can (and probably should) be viewed as a basic form of software development, albeit probably not nearly as involved as writing a program in a formal language such a C or Java. Many of the disciplines learned in software development can directly aid an MQ2 user as it's a lateral skillset shift, just in another "language."

I've never insisted that people with no coding experience stay away from it; however, like someone skipping all the prerequisite courses in college, one shouldn't be surprised by their own struggles or shocked by their "peers" giggling at them, either.

Either way, good luck. I didn't post my thoughts here to incite you into a rage--I just wanted to let you know that your peer group is mostly comprised of software wiz's who have little patience instructing those not of like mind. I'm one of the most patient and helpful, but I think after all the defensive heat you threw in my face in the form of my own arrogance, I'll just prove to you that I don't know anything by sharing nothing.

We all win that way :)

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Post by eqjoe » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:20 am

ddmsiu wrote:jeez. i guess this isn't the place for help

peach, you said the same thing twice without answering my question, long night?
If you are not smart enough to figure this shit out, you are too stupid to use MQ2. Delete it off your computer asap.
