Moderator: MacroQuest Developers
Code: Select all
/custombind add action_corpse_drag
/custombind set action_corpse_drag-down /corpse
/custombind set action_corpse_drag-up /corpse
/bind action_corpse_drag x
Code: Select all
- MQ2CustomBinds plugin is now live. This plugin allows you to specify custom commands to execute
on a key combination. There may be a command for the keys being pressed (down), and another for them
being released (up).
* /custombind <list|add <name>|delete <name>|clear <name><-down|-up>|set <name><-down|-up> <command>>
* "/custombind list" will list all of your custom binds names and commands (the key combinations must be set using /bind)
* "/custombind add <name>" will add a new bind name for use here, with /keypress, /bind, etc.
* "/custombind delete <name>" will remove a custom bind
* "/custombind clear <name><-down|-up>" will clear a specific command for a custom bind. If up or down is not specified, defaults to down.
* "/custombind set <name><-down|up> <command>" will set a specific command for a custom bind. If up or down is not specified, defaults to down.
* Example usage (NOTE: MQ2's very first bind command is "RANGED" so you do not need to do this, but for example...)
/custombind add mybind
/custombind set mybind /ranged
/bind bind n
-- To set the real RANGED bind, do "/bind ranged <key>"