Spell_Routines.inc v3.0 for IS with spellrecasttimes

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a ghoul
a ghoul
Posts: 131
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:09 am

Spell_Routines.inc v3.0 for IS with spellrecasttimes

Post by bardomatic » Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:07 pm


Code: Select all

; fixed a few problems 9-5-6
; Spell_Routines.inc 3.0.1
; fixed timers for recasts, 
; spell_routines.inc 2.5.0
; Originally Written by Rusty~
; Much code and logic stolen from A_Druid_00
; Translated for ISXEQ by echoism
; Requires ISXEQExchange for item swap
; spell_routines.inc 2.5
; Fixed by iluvseq
; Modified for ISXEQ by echoism
; Originally Written by Rusty~
; Much logic and code stolen from A_Druid_00
; Requires IXSEQExchange for item swap
; Also includes FD fix that would cause an endless loop if you were hit by FD mid-cast (originally by A_Druid_00)
; Features:
; - Casts spells, clicks items, or uses AA abilities for you
; - Allows back to back casting without waiting on spell gems to pop all the way up
; - Will interrupt spell if target dies while casting. If on a mount, it will dismount and duck if the time left
;	is greater than 7 seconds, else it will move forward a bit to interrupt, then move you back
;	IMPORTANT: if you don't want to interrupt a spell while mounted, put this at the top of your script:
;	variable int noInterrupt=
; - Allows you to use items in bags. Equips item, clicks it, then returns it to its previous location
; - Lets you set how long you want to keep trying to cast the spell (defaults to 0)
;	If the spell is interrupted before the given time, it will recast, else it will return CAST_INTERRUPTED
; - Lets you call a custom subroutine while waiting for spell to finish casting
;	Try to keep custom functions very small. A common use would be to interrupt the spell if a certain condition is true
; - This file also includes a function named Interrupt. You can call this to interrupt any spell you're casting instantly.
; - You can also use the SwapItem sub included in this to swap items to certain slots
; - Added EquipItem sub to easily equip items in your main Inventory slots.
; - Note: if you don't want this to cast spells while you're invis, in your main function have this at the top:
;	variable int noInvis=1
; - This will make it return CAST_INVIS if you're invis
;	Below is a list of variables you can access in your script:
;		refreshTime		- How much time is left till you're done recovering from casting
;		castEndTime		- How much time left till you're done casting the current spell... usable in custom spell Subs
;		spellNotHold		- 1 if your last spell didn't take hold, 0 otherwise
;		spellRecastTime1..9 	- How much time left till that spell is back up
; EquipItem: An easier way to equip items you have in bags ( useful for weapons or focus items )
;	slot name is optional. If not given, it will equip it in the first possible spot
; Usage:
;	call EquipItem "item name|slotname"
; Returns: "old item name|slotname"
; Examples:
;	To Equip Sharp Ended Broken Lever when you have Serpent of Vindication equiped:
;		call EquipItem "Sharp Ended Broken Lever"
;	It will return "Staff of Vindication|mainhand"
;	To reequip the original item, you can save the return in a variable, and then use it later like this:
;		oldPrimary:Set[${Return}]
;		... do stuff here with your new item equiped
;		call EquipItem ${oldPrimary}
; SwapItem: a subroutine which is used in the Cast function itself. You don't need to do this to cast an item in a bag
;	but you can call it in your script to swap items (such as weapons or focus items)
; Usage:
;	call SwapItem "item name" slotname
; Examples:
;	To swap Darkblade of the Warlord to your main hand:
;		call SwapItem "Darkblade of the Warlord" mainhand
;	To swap stat food in one bag with other food in another bag:
;		call SwapItem "Bristlebanes Party Platter" ${FindItem[halas 10lb meat pie].InvSlot}
; Cast: the main function that casts spells or items for you
; Usage:
;	call Cast "spellname|itemname|AAname|AA#" [item|alt|gem#] [give up time][m|s] [custom subroutine name] [Number of resist recasts]
; Examples:
; 	To cast Howl of Tashan and mem it in slot 3 if not memmed:
;		call Cast "Howl of Tashan" gem3
;	To cast Arcane Rune and keep trying for 7 seconds, in case of interrupts.
;		call Cast "Arcane Rune" gem5 7s
;	To click Grim Aura earring that's in a bag:
;		call Cast "Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring" item
;	To use AA ability Eldritch Rune:
;		call Cast "Eldritch Rune" alt
;		or
;		call Cast "173" alt
;	To call a subroutine that interrupts CH if target gets healed before it lands:
;		call Cast "Complete Healing" gem1 0 CheckHP
;	Then in your script have somewhere:
;	function CheckHP()
;	{
;		if ${Target.PctHPs}>=80
;		call Interrupt
;	}
; Returns these values:
; CAST_CANCELLED	| Spell was cancelled by ducking (either manually or because mob died)	|
; CAST_CANNOTSEE	| You can't see your target						|
; CAST_IMMUNE		| Target is immune to this spell					|
; CAST_INTERRUPTED	| Casting was interrupted and exceeded the given time limit		|
; CAST_INVIS		| You were invis, and noInvis is set to true				|
; CAST_NOTARGET		| You don't have a target selected for this spell			|
; CAST_NOTMEMMED	| Spell is not memmed and you gem to mem was not specified		|
; CAST_NOTREADY		| AA ability or spell is not ready yet					|
; CAST_OUTOFMANA	| You don't have enough mana for this spell!				|
; CAST_OUTOFRANGE	| Target is out of range						|
; CAST_RESISTED		| Your spell was resisted!						|
; CAST_SUCCESS		| Your spell was cast successfully! (yay)				|
; CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL	| Spell/Item/Ability was not found					|
#define _SPELL_ROUTINES_ 2.5.0
#macro pausecheck(a)
	if (a>0.1 && !${Me.Spawn.Class.Name.Equal[Bard]})
			if (${Stick.Status.Equal[ON]})
				Stick pause
			if (${FollowFlag})
				call PauseFunction
			if (${Me.Moving})
				Keypress back
#macro sr_ProcessQueue()
if ${QueuedCommands}
	while ${QueuedCommands}

objectdef rscripttimer
	variable bool StopWatch=FALSE 
	variable uint EndTime
	method Set(string settime)
		variable string temptime
		if ${settime.Left[1].Equal[-]}
		if ${settime.Find[:]}
			switch ${settime.Count[:]}
				case 2
					temptime:Set[${Math.Calc[${settime.Token[1,:]}*3600 + ${settime.Token[2,:]}*60 + ${settime.Token[3,:]}].Int}000]
				case 1 
					temptime:Set[${Math.Calc[${settime.Token[1,:]}*60 + ${settime.Token[2,:]}].Int}000]
			switch ${settime.Right[1]}
				case s
				case m
				case 0
				case 1
				case 2
				case 3
				case 4
				case 5
				case 6
				case 7
				case 8
				case 9
	member:uint TimeLeft()
		if ${Script.RunningTime}>=${EndTime}
			if ${StopWatch}
				return ${Math.Calc[${Script.RunningTime}-${EndTime}]} 

				return 0 
		return ${Math.Calc[${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime}]} 
	member:uint ToText()
		if ${Script.RunningTime}>=${EndTime} 
			if ${StopWatch}
				return ${Math.Calc[(${Script.RunningTime}-${EndTime})/100].Int} 

				return 0 
		return ${Math.Calc[(${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime})/100].Int} 
	member:uint TotalSeconds()
		if ${Script.RunningTime}>=${EndTime} 
			if ${StopWatch}
				return ${Math.Calc[((${Script.RunningTime}-${EndTime})/1000)].Int}

				return 0 
		return ${Math.Calc[((${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime})/1000)].Int}
	member:uint Hours()
		if ${Script.RunningTime}>=${EndTime} 
			if ${StopWatch}
				return ${Math.Calc[((${Script.RunningTime}-${EndTime})/1000)/3600].Int}

				return 0 
		return ${Math.Calc[((${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime})/1000)/3600].Int}
	member:uint Minutes()
		if ${Script.RunningTime}>=${EndTime} 
			if ${StopWatch}
				return ${Math.Calc[((${Script.RunningTime}-${EndTime})/1000)/60%60].Int}

				return 0 
		return ${Math.Calc[((${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime})/1000)/60%60].Int}
	member:uint Seconds()
		if ${Script.RunningTime}>=${EndTime} 
			if ${StopWatch}
				return ${Math.Calc[((${Script.RunningTime}-${EndTime})/1000)%60].Int}

				return 0 
		return ${Math.Calc[((${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime})/1000)%60].Int}
	member:string HMS()
		variable int h=${Math.Calc[((${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime})/1000)/3600].Int}
		variable int m=${Math.Calc[((${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime})/1000)/60%60].Int}
		variable int s=${Math.Calc[((${EndTime}-${Script.RunningTime})/1000)%60].Int}
		if ${Script.RunningTime}>=${EndTime} 
			if ${StopWatch}
				return "${If[${h}>0,${h}:,]}${If[${m}>9,${m},0${m}]}:${If[${s}>9,${s},0${s}]}"
				return ""
		return "${If[${h}>0,${h}:,]}${If[${m}>9,${m},0${m}]}:${If[${s}>9,${s},0${s}]}"
variable int ResistCounter
variable bool moveBack=FALSE
variable int selfResist=0
variable string selfResistSpell
variable rscripttimer giveUpTimer
variable rscripttimer castEndTime
variable rscripttimer refreshTime
variable float itemRefreshTime
variable int spellNotHold=0
variable int noInterrupt=0
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime1
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime2
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime3
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime4
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime5
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime6
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime7
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime8
variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime9
variable bool init=TRUE
variable string castReturn="CAST_CANCELLED"
variable int barddelay=32
function Cast(string spellName, string spellType, int giveUpValue, string mySub, int ResistTotal)
	if !${spellType.Length}

	ext -require ISXEQ
	if "!${Script[exchange](exists)}"
		ext -require ISXEQExchange
	variable int i=0
	variable int spellID

	if ${Me.Spawn.Invis} && ${noInvis}
		return CAST_INVIS
	if ${init}
		call cast_add_triggers
		for (i:Set[1] ; ${i}<=9 ; i:Inc)
			if ${Me.SpellReady[${i}]}
	while (${Me.Casting.ID(exists)} || (${Me.Moving} && ${castTime}>0.1))
		if ${mySub.Length} && ${mySub.NotEqual[NULL]}
			call "${mySub}" "${spellID}"
	if (${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})
		Keypress spellbook

	Switch ${spellType}
		case item
			if !${FindItem[${spellName}].InvSlot}
			call ItemCast "${spellName}" "${mySub}"
		case alt
			if !${Me.AltAbility[${spellName}].ID}
			call AltCast "${spellName}" "${mySub}"
			if !${Me.Book[${spellName}](exists)}
			if ${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${spellID}].Mana}
			call SpellCast "${spellType}" "${spellName}" "${spellID}" "${mySub}" "${giveUpValue}"
	if (${Stick.Status.Equal[PAUSED]})
			Stick unpause
	if (${PauseFlag})
			call PauseFunction
		return ${castReturn}
function SpellCast(string spellType, string spellName, int spellID, string mySub, int giveUpValue)
	variable rscripttimer recoverWaitTime=30
	variable bool retrySpell=FALSE

;	echo SpellCast() debug - spellName = ${spellName}

	if !${Me.Gem[${spellName}]}
		if ${Cursor.ID}
			call ClearCursor
		if ${spellType.Left[3].Equal[gem]}
			memspell ${spellType.Right[1]} "${spellName}"
 	if ${mySub.Length} && ${mySub.NotEqual[NULL]}
		call ${mySub} ${spellID}
	Wait 90 ${Me.Gem[${spellName}]}
	if (${Me.Gem[${spellName}]})
	while (!${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]})
		if ${mySub.Length} && ${mySub.NotEqual[NULL]}
			call ${mySub} ${spellID}
		Wait 150 ${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]}
		if (!${giveUpTimer} && !${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]})
	if ${spellName.Find[illusion: ]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[project illusion]}
		call Cast "project illusion" alt


		if (!${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]} && (${spellRecastTime${Me.Gem[${spellName}]}}<${giveUpTimer} || ${refreshTime}>0 || ${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESISTED]}))
			if ${mySub.Length} && ${mySub.NotEqual[NULL]}
				call ${mySub} ${spellID}
			if (!${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESISTED]})
				return CAST_NOTREADY
		CastSpell "${spellName}"
		if ${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}
			timedcommand ${barddelay} EQExecute /stopsong
		Wait 10 ${QueuedCommands}
		if (${Me.Spawn.Casting.ID})
			if (${castEndTime}<${Math.Calc[${Me.Spawn.Casting.CastTime}*5]})
		if ${mySub.Length} && ${mySub.NotEqual[NULL]}
			call WaitCast ${mySub} ${spellID}
			call WaitCast
		if (${moveBack})
			Keypress back hold
			Wait 4
			Keypress back
			Wait 15 !${Me.Moving}
		Switch ${castReturn}
				if !${recoverWaitTime}
					if !${giveUpTimer}
						return CAST_NOTREADY
				if !${giveUpTimer}
				if !${ResistCounter}
					return CAST_RESISTED
	while ${retrySpell}
		if (!${castReturn.Equal[CAST_CANNOTSEE]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_OUTOFRANGE]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_OUTOFMANA]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_NOTARGET]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_INTERRUPTED]})
function ItemCast(string spellName,string mySub)
	variable int charges
	variable string oldItemName
	variable string slotName
	variable bool swapItemBack=FALSE
	variable bool retrySpell

		if (${FindItem[${spellName}].InvSlot}>21)
			if (${FindItem[${spellName}].WornSlot[1]} && ${FindItem[${spellName}].EffectType.Find[worn]})
			elseif (${FindItem[${spellName}].InvSlot}>29)
			call SwapItem "${spellName}" ${slotName}
		while (${itemRefreshTime}>${MacroQuest.Running})
		CastSpell item "${spellName}"
		Wait 10 ${QueuedCommands}
		if (${Me.Spawn.Casting.ID})
		if (${charges})
			Wait 10 ${FindItem[${spellName}].Charges}!=${charges}
		call WaitCast ${mySub}
		if (${swapItemBack} && ${FindItem[${oldItemName}].ID})
			call SwapItem "${oldItemName}" ${slotName}
		Switch ${castReturn}
				if !${giveUpTimer}
					return CAST_NOTREADY
				if !${giveUpTimer}
				if !${ResistCounter}
					return CAST_RESISTED
	while ${retrySpell}
function AltCast(string spellName,string mySub)
	variable bool retrySpell
		EQExecute /alt activate ${Me.AltAbility[${spellName}].ID}
		if ${Me.Spawn.Casting.ID}
		Wait 10 ${QueuedCommands}
		call WaitCast ${mySub}
		Switch ${castReturn}
				if !${giveUpTimer}
					return CAST_NOTREADY
				if !${giveUpTimer}
				if !${ResistCounter}
					return CAST_RESISTED
	while ${retrySpell}
function ClearCursor()
	variable int i=0
	while (${Cursor.ID})
		if (${Cursor.Container})
			while (${i:Inc}<=8)
				if (!${InvSlot[pack${i}].Item.Container})
				NoModKey itemnotify pack${i} leftmouseup
				EQExecute /autoinventory
function EquipItem(WhatWhere)
	variable string DestName
	variable string ItemName=${WhatWhere.Token[1,|]}
	variable string SlotName=${WhatWhere.Token[2,|]}
	if (${SlotName.Equal[NULL]})
	if (${FindItem[=${ItemName}].InvSlot}<22 || !${FindItem[=${ItemName}].WornSlot[${SlotName}]})
	if (!${InvSlot[${SlotName}].Item.Name.Equal[NULL]})
	call SwapItem "${ItemName}" "${SlotName}"
	return ${DestName}
function Interrupt()
	;; TODO remove the dismount?
	if (${Me.Spawn.Mount.ID})
		EQExecute /dismount
	EQExecute /stopcast
	while ${Me.Spawn.Casting.ID}
	return ${castReturn}
function SwapItem(string itemName,string slotName)
	if (${Cursor.ID})
		call ClearCursor
	exchange "${itemName}" ${slotName}
	Wait 50 ${InvSlot[${slotName}].Item.Name.Equal[${itemName}]}
	if (${Cursor.ID})
		call ClearCursor
function WaitCast(string mySub,int spellID)
	variable int currentTarget=${Target.ID}
	variable string currentTargetType=${Target.Type}
		if ${mySub.Length} && ${mySub.NotEqual[NULL]}
			call ${mySub} ${spellID}
		if (${Me.Spawn.Casting.ID})
			if (${currentTarget} && !${Spawn[${currentTarget}].Type.Equal[${currentTargetType}]})
				if (!${Me.Spawn.Casting.TargetType.Equal[PB AE]} && !${Me.Spawn.Casting.TargetType.Equal[self]} && !${moveBack} && (!${Me.Mount.ID} || !${noInterrupt}))
					if (!${Me.Mount.ID} || ${castEndTime}>70)
						call Interrupt
					elseif (${Me.Spawn.Casting.RecastTime}>3)
						EQExecute /stopcast
			if (${Me.Spawn.State.Equal[DUCK]})
	while (${Me.Spawn.Casting.ID})
function cast_add_triggers()
	AddTrigger cast_begin "You begin casting @SPELL@."
	AddTrigger cast_collapse "Your gate is too unstable, and collapses."
	AddTrigger cast_fdfail "@PERSON@ has fallen to the ground."
	AddTrigger cast_fizzle "Your spell fizzles!"
	AddTrigger cast_immune "Your target is immune to changes in its @WHAT@ speed."
	AddTrigger cast_immune "Your target cannot be mesmerized@rest@"
	AddTrigger cast_interrupt "Your casting has been interrupted!"
	AddTrigger cast_interrupt "Your spell is interrupted."
	AddTrigger cast_interrupt "Aborting memorization of spell."
	AddTrigger cast_nohold "Your spell did not take hold."
	AddTrigger cast_nohold "Your spell would not have taken hold."
	AddTrigger cast_nohold "You must first target a group member@REST@"
	AddTrigger cast_nohold "Your spell is too powerful for your intended target@REST@"
	AddTrigger cast_nohold "This spell only works on @REST@"
	AddTrigger cast_nolos "You cannot see your target."
	AddTrigger cast_notarget "You must first select a target for this spell!"
	AddTrigger cast_notready "Spell recast time not yet met."
	AddTrigger cast_notready "You can use the ability @ALT@ again in @MIN@ minute(s) @SEC@ seconds."
	AddTrigger cast_outofmana "Insufficient Mana to cast this spell!"
	AddTrigger cast_outofrange "Your target is out of range, get closer!"
	AddTrigger cast_recover "You haven't recovered yet..."
	AddTrigger cast_recover "Spell recovery time not yet met."
	AddTrigger cast_resisted "Your target resisted the @NAME@ spell."
	AddTrigger cast_resisted2 "You resist the @NAME@ spell."	
	AddTrigger cast_standing "You must be standing to cast a spell."
	AddTrigger cast_stunned "You are stunned!"
	AddTrigger cast_stunned "You cannot cast spells while stunned!"
	AddTrigger cast_stunned "You *CANNOT* cast spells, you have been silenced!"
function cast_remove_triggers()
	RemoveTrigger cast_begin
	RemoveTrigger cast_collapse
	RemoveTrigger cast_fdfail
	RemoveTrigger cast_fizzle
	RemoveTrigger cast_immune
	RemoveTrigger cast_interrupted
	RemoveTrigger cast_nohold
	RemoveTrigger cast_nolos
	RemoveTrigger cast_notarget
	RemoveTrigger cast_notready
	RemoveTrigger cast_outofmana
	RemoveTrigger cast_outofrange
	RemoveTrigger cast_recover
	RemoveTrigger cast_resisted
	RemoveTrigger cast_resisted2
	RemoveTrigger cast_standing
	RemoveTrigger cast_stunned
function cast_begin()
function cast_collapse()
function cast_fdfail(line,name)
	if ${name.Equal[${Me.Name}]}
		if !${Me.Spawn.State.Equal[STAND]}
function cast_fizzle()
function cast_immune()
function cast_interrupt()
	if !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_CANCELLED]}
function cast_nohold()
function cast_nolos()
function cast_notarget()
function cast_notready()
function cast_outofmana()
function cast_outofrange()
function cast_recover()
function cast_resisted(line,name)
	if (${selfResist} && ${name.Equal[${selfResistSpell}]})
	if (${ResistCounter})
function cast_resisted1(line,name)
function cast_standing()
function cast_stunned()
	if (${Me.Stunned})
		Wait 30 !${Me.Stunned}
		Wait 7
Last edited by bardomatic on Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

a ghoul
a ghoul
Posts: 131
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:09 am

Post by bardomatic » Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:52 am

updates timers, fixed a few bugs

a ghoul
a ghoul
Posts: 131
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:09 am

Post by bardomatic » Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:30 pm

fixed the broken stuff from last fix


a lesser mummy
a lesser mummy
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:02 pm

Post by spanners » Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:45 am

Diff to enable the following:

1) 10 spell gems
2) short circuit for spells that aren't ready or not memed so you don't wait

For 1) you need the updates for MemSpell and CastSpell commands in ISXEQ
See post: http://macroquest2.com/phpBB2/viewtopic ... 961#136961

For 2), if you specify a wait time of 0; if the gem is not ready, you will immediately return, if the spell is not loaded in any gems you will not try to mem it

e.g. call Cast "some spell" gem10 0 will not wait at all if the gem is empty, nor will it mem the spell

Code: Select all

--- spell_routines_orig.inc     2008-09-07 00:32:06.000000000 -0500
+++ spell_routines_new.inc      2008-09-07 00:44:08.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+; Spell_Routines.inc 3.0.2
+; enabled spell gem 10, allow short circuit with a wait time of 0.
+; The spell will not be memmed nor will you wait to cast it.
+; The purpose of this is to only use the spell if its loaded and ready right now
 ; fixed a few problems 9-5-6
 ; Spell_Routines.inc 3.0.1
 ; fixed timers for recasts,
@@ -271,6 +275,7 @@
 variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime7
 variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime8
 variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime9
+variable rscripttimer spellRecastTime10
 variable bool init=TRUE
 variable string castReturn="CAST_CANCELLED"

@@ -294,7 +299,7 @@
    if ${init}
       call cast_add_triggers
-      for (i:Set[1] ; ${i}<=9 ; i:Inc)
+      for (i:Set[1] ; ${i}<=10 ; i:Inc)
          if ${Me.SpellReady[${i}]}
@@ -321,18 +326,30 @@
       case item
          if !${FindItem[${spellName}].InvSlot}
             return CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL
+        if (!(${FindItem[${spellName}].Timer} == 0) && (${giveUpValue} == 0))
+             return CAST_NOTREADY
          call ItemCast "${spellName}" "${mySub}"
       case alt
          if !${Me.AltAbility[${spellName}].ID}
             return CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL
+        if (!${Me.AltAbilityReady[${spellName}]} && (${giveUpValue} == 0))
+             return CAST_NOTREADY
          call AltCast "${spellName}" "${mySub}"
          if !${Me.Book[${spellName}](exists)}
             return CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL
+         if (!${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]} && (${giveUpValue} == 0))
+             return CAST_NOTREADY
          if ${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${spellID}].Mana}
             return CAST_OUTOFMANA
@@ -361,7 +378,17 @@
       if ${Cursor.ID}
          call ClearCursor
       if ${spellType.Left[3].Equal[gem]}
+      {
+        if (${spellType.Length}==4)
+        {
          memspell ${spellType.Right[1]} "${spellName}"
+        }
+        if (${spellType.Length}==5)
+        {
+           memspell ${spellType.Right[2]} "${spellName}"
+        }
+      }
          return CAST_NOTMEMMED

a grimling bloodguard
a grimling bloodguard
Posts: 1436
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:11 am

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Post by FrankJScott » Wed Mar 08, 2023 6:29 am

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a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
a grimling bloodguard
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a grimling bloodguard
a grimling bloodguard
Posts: 1436
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:11 am

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